Sunday, December 16, 2007

Self-perception influences acceptance of love in relationships

Sorry about the convoluted title...but I couldn't think of a good way to express what I'm going to write. So what I've noticed is that how I feel about myself influences if I accept what other people think of me. When I have let myself down and have a loss of self-respect, or am just feeling bad about myself, I am not open to accepting love from others. I think that if Mr. Right came around, I would probably not be in a state of mind to be able to receive his feelings for me, because they don't mirror my own. I wouldn't feel like I could trust them, or that what he thinks of me is valid.

It's an interesting concept, isn't it? I have started to realize that I am probably not alone in this, although many people probably are not aware of it. It's a humbling thing to think that you are in such a state. And I'm not in it always; I'm not like that. I've just come to realize that sometimes I am more loving of others than I am of myself, and consequently I am not as open to receiving love. This topic was brought to my mind, because in talking to a friend, the thought came to me that he might be experiencing this. I suggested that possibility to him, and he thought that probably was the case.

I wonder how often this happens, that we close ourselves off from the possibility of mutual love? It probably happens when we are trying to do things on our own, and it doesn't work, and all we see is that we don't measure up. We make efforts that fail, and we keep on trying the same things, when what we need to do is stop, ponder, and pray. Work with the Lord. Repent of our sins, and pray to be able to see ourselves (and others) as He sees us. Make the Lord a partner in the creation of our lives, in our daily lives. Each choice we make is creating our lives, and we choose how it will be. The atonement of Christ is key in being able to heal, and move on, and improve--enabling us to love ourselves and be open to receive their love as well.


(H)ale(x) said...

it's a vicious cycle. confidence is powerful even when inconspicuous.

Heather said...

What an insightful thought! Sometimes what we want most (love) we end up cheating ourselves of. We block that love from entering our lives, not on purpose, but just because of how we feel about ourselves at the time. It makes me wonder how many loving and wonderful opportunities and experiences I have cheated myself of over the years. Thanks for the thought!

Snoopy said...