Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fate vs. Free Will

I have been much occupied during the past 6 weeks by the decision of whether or not to go on a mission. This has brought up many different thoughts, and specifically a lot of thoughts about agency (thus the fate vs. free will title).

At one point, several weeks ago, I prayed to Heavenly Father and told him that I'd do whatever he wanted me to do (go or not go on a mission). He let me know that he doesn't work like that: he wouldn't tell me what to do; he wouldn't control my life. He wanted me to make a decision for myself. I respected that answer, but was frustrated with it at the same time. He was giving me back the responsibility for my own life! That's a profound concept.

I talked to a lot of people who had different thoughts about sister missionaries. Some told me, "You have to know that the Lord has called you, personally--that it's something you need to do." Others told me, "I didn't have to go; I chose to go, and I think that's how it is for most people." Thus, some people felt predestined, and others felt it was their free will.

This brought up the age old question for me of "how involved is God really in our lives?" Have I been foreordained to do certain things? How does my agency play into this? What is the case for me personally, in regards to a mission?

I haven't wrapped my head completely around this concept (so your comments and input are most welcome), but I have discovered some things.

2 Nephi 2:26 "And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, ..."

I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and how it applies in all aspects of life. I need to take control of my life--no one else controls what destinations I get to, but me. I need to get in the driver's seat and take the wheel, rather than sitting in the back seat, watching the scenery of my life passing uncontrollably by me.

I found a thought-provoking quote by Brigham Young in the Journal of Discourses (2:139), "I put into you intelligence, saith the Lord, "that you may know how to govern and control yourselves, and make yourselves comfortable and happy on the earth; and give unto you certain privileges to act upon as independently in your sphere as I do in the government of heaven."

Whoa! Whose responsibility is it to make sure that I'm happy and comfortable? Mine. The Lord trusts me. I think taking responsibility for one's own life is part of the progression that must happen while we are in this probationary state, if we are to become like God. Making decisions is an integral part of that. It is something we must learn how to do.

Although I think that many choices are left up to us without promptings from God, I think that we are foreordained to do certain things, which happen according to our worthiness and our seeking to be guided. The Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Spencer W Kimball manual says, "Having given them their free agency, their Heavenly Father persuades and directs his children, but waits for their upreaching, their prayers, their sincere approach to him..." (p. 245). I think this is a true principle: that we must show forth our desire to be lead to do the things that we were foreordained to do. Desire, faith, then action. These are some of my thoughts as of late. :)


(H)ale(x) said...

The only way God can be 100% involved in our lives is if we make 100% of our own decisions. God's involvement=agency. you can never make a right choice unless you make the choice. Nobody has more of a right to serve a mission than you do. It's a privilege; God doesn't need you. God doesn't need anyone. Go on a mission for yourself, or you're going for the wrong reason. If you choose to go, you won't regret it. I'm not sure if that's true about the other choice.

(H)ale(x) said...

your layout is cool looking. you should change your font to fit it better.

Sabrina said...

Hey, thanks for reading! I never thought of "God's involvement=agency" before. I have decided that I am going on a mission. I turned in my papers on Sunday! :)

I tried playing around with the fonts. Any suggestions?