Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Collaborative Blog

Hello readers!
I want to let you know that I joined a collaborative blog along with some friends, and I will be posting there monthly, if you want to check it out. The blog is entitled "The Gem Seekers," as we will be trying to find the good and the beautiful in life. Each of us has a (generally gemstone themed) pen name. Since Obsidian was taken, I decided to be Graphite. Yes, I know it's not exactly a gemstone, but it is a mineral! And more importantly, it is what we use as lead in pencils, and that's how I feel about my musings/opinions--they're written in pencil, subject to change with new information.

Anyway, I made my first posting last night, under the title "First Comes Gratitude, Then Comes Love." It's basically my thinking and experiences with President Monson's latest talk, in which he told us that gratitude is the parent of all other virtues. Check it out!

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